Good Commentary in the Post Intelligencer

The Seattle Post Intelligencer had a good article on the Bristol Palin media craze, which you can read in full here. While I don’t necessarily agree with her characterization of the switch in liberal and conservative roles, the columnist Monica Guzman cuts through the nonsense to the real issue: that Bristol Palin doesn’t matter to this election.

You can find the link to the article above but I found the following excerpts to be valuable:

If there’s a lesson here, it’s that liberals and conservatives are defined not so much by their dogma as by their need to use their differences against each other.

The debate about Bristol Palin isn’t really about Bristol Palin. It isn’t even about teenage pregnancy. The most angry exchanges in this conversation are about political consistency.

Most relevant, I think, is her plea that Republicans and Democrats put aside their partisanship for the greater good–and to finally put to death the inane arguments about flip-flopping. “I don’t often quote dead writers. But Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote something that’s changed the way I look at politics: “A foolish consistency is the hobgobblin of little minds.””

Amen to that, Monica. Thanks for the perspective.